Getting started

Register your App

To start using Xact SDK, you will need to Register your App in order to get an API Key.

Note that a warning will appear on the authorization screens for your app until you apply to be a verified app.

Step 1: Install the SDK

1.1 Composer

You can install the bindings via Composer. Run the following command:

composer require xact/sdk

Step 2: Integration

Note that the api key is directly linked to an environment.

You haven't the option at this stage to select the Hedera mainnet or testnet. Since we are using an API key generated from the Xact Dev portal, the environment is already known at this stage.

Let's now initialize the Client with the api key

$client = new Client('api_key');

Your project is now set up to successfully submit actions through the Xact Wallet !

Step 3: WebHook Use Case

The web hook will be call as a POST request with an Authorization header set with the apiKey used when instantiating the client

Example of Webhook Call

Please update yourWebhook and yourApiKey in the example below :

curl -X POST \
  'yourWebhook' \
  -H 'authorization: apiKey yourApiKey' 

Next, you will learn how to Login new users.

Last updated